Carbon Removal Certification Framework

„Carbon Removal“ – Kommissionsvorschlag zur Zertifizierung von CO2-Entnahmen Mit dem Carbon Removal Certification Framework sollen nachhaltige Lösungen und innovative Technologien zur CO2-Entnahme und -Speicherung gefördert werden. Die Europäische Kommission hat einen Vorschlag für einen ersten EU-weiten freiwilligen Rahmen zur zuverlässigen Zertifizierung hochwertiger CO2-Entnahmen (Carbon Removal Certification Framework, CRCF) vorgestellt (VO/EU 2022/0394/COD). Der am 30. November…


Germany invests 700 million euros in hydrogen projects. Three major research projects with industry are to make hydrogen a growth driver – and Germany a technology leader. Federal Research Minister Anja Karliczek (CDU) is stepping up the pace on hydrogen: She is providing a total of 700 million euros for three major research projects with…

Fuel cell offensive

Bruck’s Free Voters want a concept for buses. Puchheim company already uses the technology in a construction train. There has already been enough talk about it. Now the Free Voters of Fürstenfeldbruck finally want to make progress with a technology of the future, from which they expect an important contribution to climate protection: fuel cells…

Champagne turns into all-accessible water?

With Gaia Hydrogen it would be easier… It is getting serious: Germany is to become climate neutral by 2050. But this will require considerable efforts, a study by environmental think tanks criticizes. For example, the increase in renewable energy needs to triple in the next ten years. This is because electricity will then be needed…

Hydrogen is at a ‘tipping point’ with $11 trillion market set to explode, says Bank of America

After decades of false starts, hydrogen technology is poised to take off as falling production costs, technological improvements, and a global push toward sustainability converge, according to Bank of America. The firm believes this will generate $2.5 trillion in direct revenue — or $4 trillion if revenue from associated products such as fuel cell vehicles…

Fuel Cells and Hydrogen

Present situation in energy terms In Germany’s energy supply system, it is necessary to make increasing use of the possibility to combine the generation of electricity with the use of the heat which is generally produced at the same time (cogeneration of heat and power) in order to reduce primary energy consumption as stipulated in…