Zementhersteller und Müllverbrenner und ihr CO2
Bei der Zement-Herstellung und Müllverbrennung lassen sich CO2-Emissionen nicht vermeiden. Doch das Treibhausgas kann abgeschieden und unterirdisch gespeichert werden. In…
Bei der Zement-Herstellung und Müllverbrennung lassen sich CO2-Emissionen nicht vermeiden. Doch das Treibhausgas kann abgeschieden und unterirdisch gespeichert werden. In…
„Carbon Removal“ – Kommissionsvorschlag zur Zertifizierung von CO2-Entnahmen Mit dem Carbon Removal Certification Framework sollen nachhaltige Lösungen und innovative Technologien…
Savante and Storegga form global CCUS partnership By Molly Burgesson Oct 20, 2023 Carbon dioxide (CO2) capture and storage specialists Svante…
The very first step in ANRAV’s large-scale project has been taken and the ANRAV.beta unit is under development. The aim…
Die Welt der CO2-Zertifikate Willkommen im CO₂-Dschungel! Der Klimawandel beherrscht weiterhin die Schlagzeilen und verändert unsere Welt. Infolgedessen hat sich…
Germany invests 700 million euros in hydrogen projects. Three major research projects with industry are to make hydrogen a growth…
Bruck’s Free Voters want a concept for buses. Puchheim company already uses the technology in a construction train. There has…
Joint pilot projects Siemens and Thyssenkrupp promote hydrogen from Russia Hydrogen should promise a climate-friendly future for German industry. But…
The Finnish mother Fortum and Uniper want to become greener. From 2035, the electricity produced in Europe is to come…
New climate project with Siemens. Deutsche Bahn plans test operation with hydrogen train. By 2050, Deutsche Bahn wants its network…
With GAIA Hydrogen it would be easier… It is getting serious: Germany is to become climate neutral by 2050. But…
After decades of false starts, hydrogen technology is poised to take off as falling production costs, technological improvements, and a…
As part of its stimulus package, Germany intends to expand the role of green hydrogen to help end the country’s…
Present situation in energy terms In Germany’s energy supply system, it is necessary to make increasing use of the possibility…
This latest Hydrogen Council report shows that the cost of hydrogen solutions will fall sharply within the next decade –…
A clean, safe and affordable energy supply is essential for our lives. The energy turnaround with our efforts and successes…
Today, the Federal Government adopted a National Hydrogen Strategy for Germany. Hydrogen is key for decarbonising key German sectors such…