A clean, safe and affordable energy supply is essential for our lives. The energy turnaround with our efforts and successes in the expansion of renewable energies and in the field of energy efficiency lays the foundation for this. With the resolutions of the Federal Cabinet on the Climate Protection Programme 2030, the Federal Government has created the prerequisites for achieving the climate targets for 2030. In doing so, it is pursuing the long-term goal of climate neutrality in line with the objectives of the Paris Convention in order to keep global warming well below 2 degrees and, if possible, to limit it to 1.5 degrees. In addition, Germany, together with the states of the European Union, has committed itself to the goal of greenhouse gas neutrality in 2050. Following the decisions to phase out coal, this means that emissions that are very difficult to reduce, such as process-related greenhouse gases from industry, must be avoided as far as possible.
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